There are a number of ways to deepen your Mass experience. Learn how you might use your gifts to serve in a Liturgical Ministry.


If you have a special interest in leading the assembly in song, the Cantor ministry is right for you! Contact the Newman Center for more information about this ministry. 

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. We are always looking for new students and intentional community members to help us in this ministry. In order to become a Eucharistic Minister, you must be a fully initiated Catholic and you must attend a short training before you begin. Contact the Newman Center for more information about this ministry.


The proclaimation of the Word is an essential ministry in our Liturgical celebrations. Lectors need to be able to speak loudly and articulate the Word of God with ease. Contact the Newman Center for more information about this ministry.

Music Ministry

All vocalists and instrumentalists are invited to participate in our Music Ministry. Currently we meet a half hour before each Mass to go over the music for Sunday worship. Join us anytime!